
Showing posts from October, 2024

Blog: Chapter 6

     Chapter 6 of The Connected Educator  called "Building Your Connected Learning Community" serves mainly as a tutorial on how to create, develop, and perfect your own personal learning networks (PLNs) and professional learning communities (PLCs) in order to encourage continuous development and collaboration. This chapter gives descriptions of what an effective network should look like, such as being self-sustaining, relevant, and engaging for all members involved. The author also tells us how to keep these networks effective. For instance, a good way to keep your networks relevant and engaging for all members is by co-creating your content with members of the network. According to Nussbaum-Beach and Hall (2010)"If only the leader is sharing content, not all community members' needs are likely to be met." The author tells us what makes these communities thrive, like shared vision, trusting relationships, open dialogue, and balancing between structure and organ...

Smackdown #1: Earpeggio

 Smackdown Link:                Earpeggio Summary:      I chose Earpeggio as my app for the first Smackdown Assignment. Earpeggio is an ear  training app that lets you improve your musical hearing. It is designed to help you improve your ability to identify musical elements like intervals, chords, scales, and rhythms purely by ear. It offers a wide variety of exercises such as chord progressions, melody dictation, and interval comparison. I will use this app for my career because I am interested in teaching music and giving music lessons. This app will be perfect to give to students so they can independently practice and hone up on their skills before their lesson. I can also use the leaderboards tab to network with students and keep track of their progress and study sessions.      Earpeggio is a very customizable app and can be geared towar...